Investment Overview Portfolio Overview

Portfolio Overview

Loan Portfolio Overview as of December 31, 2024

Investment Type(1)
Senior Loans 100% #48154D
Interest Rate Type
Floating 99% #48154D
Fixed 1% #765079
Property Type
Multifamily 47%
Office 19% #48154D
Industrial 13% #C4C4C4
Life Science 12% #ECECEE
Hospitality 4% #726286
Other 5% #76517A
California 17% #a2a2a2
Texas 15% #a2a2a2
Massachusetts 13% #76517A
Florida 9% #d2d2d2
Virginia 9% #a2a2a2
Washington D.C. 5% #726286
North Carolina 5% #726286
New York 4% #48154D
Washington 4% #c2c2c2
Pennsylvania 5% #c2c2c2
Other (<4%) 14% #ff9900

Note: "Other" property types include: 2% Self-Storage, 2% Student Housing and <1% Mixed Use

(1) Senior loans include senior mortgages and similar credit quality loans, including related contiguous junior participations in senior loans where KREF has financed a loan with structural leverage through the non-recourse sale of a corresponding first mortgage.

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